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Orkut History and Facts...

orkut creator: ORKUT BUYUKKOKTEN
Born :- 6th Feb 1976 in Konya,Turkey
Current Residene :- Mountain View,California

Why you Should know him :-
The name in itlsef is a give away but for those who missed the bus,Orkut Buyukkokten was the programmer who developed Orkut,the social
networking site (hence the name Orkut !!) This Turkish Programming genius came up with the concept of the site to help old friends keep in touch and make new ones ! Orkut gets a small
loyalty every time you use the site and some say he will become the richest man in the world by as soon as 2010 !!

BUYUKKOTEN has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scrap


HIS PROFILE Intresting Facts

This is the mastermind behind Orkut social networking community.
Some facts about Orkut:
1) Orkut Buyukkokten(the creator of Orkut) gets $12 when every person registers to this website.
2) He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a friend.
3) He gets $8 when your friend’s friend adds you as a friend & gets $6 if anybody adds you as a friend in the resulting chain.
4) He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4 when somebody scraps you.
5) He also gets $200 for each photograph you upload on Orkut.
6) He gets $2.5 when you add your friend in the crush-list or in the hot-list.
7) He gets $2 when you become somebody’s fan.
8) He gets $1.5 when somebody else becomes your fan.
9) He even gets $1 every time you logout of Orkut.
10) He gets $0.5 every time you just change your profile-photograph.
11) He also gets $0.5 every time you read your friend’s scrap-book & $0.5
every time you view your friend’s friend-list.
12) Many Global Financial Consultants think this person might become the
richest-person in the world by the end of 2009.
13) Finally, this is the best fact. This person has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 assistants to monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps a day.
14) A company named Affinity Engines that builds social networking products for universities (that just so happens to have been founded by Orkut Buyukkokten – the creator of – quite interesting) is now suing Google for stealing their code – Company Claims Orkut Stole Orkut Code


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